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Jolee 7202


Oleon's 100% natural silicone-like emollients offer an exquisite sensory profile comparable to that of benchmark high volatile silicones. The excellent spread, absorption and unique lightness are typical for Jolee 7202. The emollient is experienced as slightly oily upon application but finishing with a unique powdery after feel.



Jolee 7202 has remarkable UV-filter solubilization properties and brings an added value to any formulation containing organic UV-filters, even at high UV-filter concentrations.


Oleon's silicone-like emollients are ideal to use in hair care application. Jolee 7202 shows a significant decrease in combing force needed to detangle hair tresses compared to untreated hair.


Jolee 7202 is recommended to be used as a pigment disperser due to its high wetting power.




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